Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2nd News Article Discussion Task

My article is about a black hole it has become more active. In this article they said that black holes are hungry. they grow bigger as they gobble up cosmic debris from nearby star. Anything that get to close can get sucked in. They are the remain of massive stars, scrunched up on themselves until they become infinitely dense. Anything that get to close get trapped by their power gravity, even light cannot escape once it passes a critical point. However, one black hole has recently made itself thoroughly conspicuous. After lying dormant for 26 years, it has begun emitting a series of bright cosmic burps.

Bibi presented about NASA finally took a perfect picture of Pluto. Bibi mentioned that NASA had send a spaceship since 2006. It took 9 years to reach Pluto and inside that spaceship NASA also use a part of PlayStation 1 to build this.

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