Monday, June 1, 2015

Cognitive bias is confusing as hell !

   Last two weeks, I have read an article about cognitive bias with my group. If you want to read just click "Here".

I have chosen three biases in particular post-purchase rationalization, neglecting probability, and observational selection bias. When I read all of these three biases, I think post-purchase and neglecting probability is too simple and not quite interesting much than it should. Therefore, I would like to research on observational selection bias because I think it might appear in our real life but many people dose not realize that.

The article explains that observational selection bias appear when we recognize something around us more often because we have experienced. They have a few example in the article that explain how is this happen. One of those says when women become pregnant, they tend to notice that every single woman around them are pregnant too.

This situation is not really happen at all, it just what they think in their mind. It because our mind will allows to observe things that we are interested in more often than normal. 

Anyway, it also occurred to me not just one, but many times and I believe that almost 100% of people in this world have face this before. I have noticed my own observational selection bias after I have purchased my first laptop. After that, two days later my friend just carried his laptop the same as mine. I though in my head that just I bought this laptop and this has influenced him to buy that stuff because he wanted to be cool like me. But no, not at all, after I have learned this observation selection bias, I extremely surprise that I never notice before. 

In retrospect, Cognitive biases are confusing as hell! many people won't know this if they don't learn about this. These biases always happen in their life, everything they have done it is about the bias that control them to do things and they don't even know that . But why ? why biases always occur bur no one notice before ? . We are all a victim of the cognitive bias

1 comment:

  1. If you think that bias affects everyone, and that we are all victims of bias, then why do we know so much about these bias but have had little opportunity to change them? Do you think it is necessary to change our biases? I really appreciated that you chose to write about observational selection bias because, like you, I think that it affects our daily lives. I would've liked to read more about your personal experience and how the article portray this bias. I think you have a clear understanding of bias, and I value your perspective. You made an interesting point when you stated that this bias does not reflect reality. I loved the images you chose to represent your thinking. The 300 guys made me want to know why you thought cognitive is confusing.
