Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Implicit Association Test VS the Political Compass Test

The Implicit Association help us to study implicit biases whereas the Political Compass Test is about seek people to identifying their general ideological perspective.

The Implicit Association Test is a flexible task designed to tap automatic associations between concepts (e.g., math and arts) and attributes (e.g., good or bad, male or female, self or other) and you can choose one of each side by tapping E is refer to left and I is refer to right.

The Political Compass Test give testers 6 pages of question, and we have to choose the answer on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. It uses our choices to determine which ideological perspective we have.

I took Young-Old people test. My result point out that I have a little preference for young people compare to old people

In the Political Compass Test, I received results that placed me in the left Authoritarian but not too left just nearly the middle line.

Well, I never thought I would have a bias for Young and Old people. After I received a result I re-think that why this bias occurred to me, and then I realized that most of elderly people are quiet annoying, they always complain about everything even it's not a big deal. So I think this is a reason why I had this bias.

If I take an ideological perspective on my implicit bias, then I would believe that I am a left wing and I am a little authoritarian.
I'm not really sure how it's connect to each other. My ideology and my bias is has a little connection or no connection at all.

If you are interested in taking these these test just click "here" for the implicit association test and "here" for the political compass test.

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